Nematodes feed damage the plant roots and reduce the water and nutrient uptake which results in reduction in yield. In addition, the infested plant becomes more vulnerable to other stress factors such as heat, water shortage, nutritional deficiencies and disease-causing organisms. It is difficult to control these nematodes with common chemical pesticides.
- It is a liquid based formulation of nematophagous fungus, Paecilomyceslilacinus, that is capable of parasitizing nematode eggs, juveniles and females, and thus reduces the plant parasitic nematode population in the soil.
- Paecilomyceslilacinus is a naturally occurring fungus found in soils used as a nematicide is applied to soil to control nematodes that attack plant roots.
- Types of neematodes controlled vy PAASHIN Meloidogyne spp. (Root knot nematodes), Radopholussimilis (Burrowing nematode), Heterodera spp. and Globodera spp. (Cyst nematodes), Pratylenchus spp. (Root lesion nematodes), Rotylenchulusreniformis (Reniform Nematode), Nacobbus spp. (False Root knot Nematodes).
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