EMRALD JEEVAN-A is a Nitrogen fixing biofertilizer. It contains highly efficient nitrogen fixing bacteria of Azotobacter species. Emrald Jeevan-A is free-living on-symbiotic aerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria found in the rhizosphere zone of many plants.Emrald Jeevan-A produces a variety of growth promoting substances like Indoleacetic acid (IAA), gibberellins (GA), Vitamin-B and other antifungal substances.Another important characteristic of Emrald Jeevan A is that, it associateswith crop improvement through excretion of ammonia in the rhizosphere of the roots. It fixes approximately 20-30kg of biological nitrogen per hectare per season
Acetobacter94% active.
Application & Dose
Irrigation/drenching – 5 ml/ liter of water.
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