EMRALD DOSTH is a phosphate solubilizing bio-fertilizer. Phosphorus is a major nutrient for plants inducing vigorous growth and also contributing to their disease resistance. Phosphorous helps in root formation and plant growth. The plants utilize only 1015% of phosphate applied. The balance 85 90%remains unutilized in the soil. Emrald Dosth has highly efficient phosphate solubilizing microorganism PSM(Bacillus coagulans bacteria). They grow and secrete organic acids, which dissolve this unavailable phosphate into soluble form and make it available to the plants. Thus, the residual phosphate fertilizers in the soil can be well utilized and external application can be optimized.
Phosphobacteria 94% active
Application & Dose
Irrigation/drenching – 5 ml/ liter of water.
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