Bio Don
A Phyto-nanobiotechnology derived product, 100% pesticide residue free product.
- The product formulated using this unique technology is pure Biologicals and does not contain any chemicals and does not contain any living organisms thereby having a long Shelf life
- Zero residues molecule.
- The mixtures of metabolites to control Insects and pathogens by all available modes of action thereby giving high percentages of longer control.
- Broad spectrum insecticide.
- 100% residue-free product.
- It favors the natural defenses of the plant. It stimulates beneficial soil microorganisms.
- It improves chlorophyll production in plants and favors photosynthesis.
- It is a good compost activator as it favors organic matter decomposition.
- It favors root development, flowering and the sugar content in fruits.
- It improves the nutritional balance of the plant.
- Due to its high iron content, it is able to control chlorosis.
Dr Nivaar 50000ppm
Mealy Cont. cs
A Phyto-nanobiotechnology derived product, that shows excellent insecticidal performance, Mealy Cont. is an organic formulation for sustainable agriculture, for long-lasting and quick control.
- Organic, residue-free formulation.
- Long-lasting control.
- Compatible with most of Agri-inputs.
- Contact and systemic action.
Nivaar 10000ppm
Nivaar 3000ppm
Nivaar dip & Spray
Trinash Bag
- Preventive use - 1) On saplings bed before plantation. 2) Sterile the soil before plantation of saplings by regular dose of 3nash or apply after 3-4 days after the plantation of sapling & repeat after 15 days interval.
- Usefulness- Anti - fungal - 1) Kills harmful bacteria which forms fungi such as Fugerium & Pitheum 2) Kills fungi by altering protein synthesis
- Nematocidal Kills Nematodes by fumigation & contact.
- Anti - Termite Kills Termites by contact and ingestion by affecting central nervous system
Trinash Bucket
- Preventive use - 1) On saplings bed before plantation. 2) Sterile the soil before plantation of saplings by regular dose of 3nash or apply after 3-4 days after the plantation of sapling & repeat after 15 days interval.
- Usefulness- Anti - fungal - 1) Kills harmful bacteria which forms fungi such as Fugerium&Pitheum 2) Kills fungi by altering protein synthesis
- Nematocidal Kills Nematodes by fumigation & contact.
- Anti - Termite Kills Termites by contact and ingestion by affecting central nervous system