Apple Varieties

KING® ROAT Red Delicious apple variety

KING® ROAT Red Delicious* is a branch mutation of Hapke.

Origin-The mother tree was discovered in Algund (South Tyrol, Italy).

KING® ROAT Red Delicious* is a fully blush strain with intense bright dark red over-color. Fruits start coloring weeks earlier compared to other strains.

Fruit – Fruit shape is naturally long and symmetric, which results in an elegant, friendly aspect.

Tree- The vigor of KING® ROAT Red Delicious* trees is of semi-spur type, comparable to growth of Early Red One®

Flowering and pollination- It blooms relatively early.

Good pollinators are- Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith.

Storage-Storage period is similar to Red Delicious.

For elevation above sea level- 5000 to 6800

Licence: KIKU GmbH*

4 thoughts on “KING® ROAT Red Delicious apple variety

  1. V. K. Sharma says:

    Useful information being provided to the growers.

  2. Muneeb says:

    I need trees

    1. parvesh says:

      we dont deal will plants.

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